the scars...
i didnt notice it at first..
till like a fren of mine asked..
"eh..ur eye brow today special ah.."
i was like..
"special ler..*thinking wads so special..*"
then i looked into the rear view mirror..

"WHAT THE F@#K~~!!!"
"what is this oh? how come like this..??"
then Abigail reminded me..
"its from the oil larh..told u will got scar lorr.."
O.O face...whole day got 1 lined eye brow...
haeyoung called me 1-lined-eye-brow boy... =.=
but she did help it look better by applying some powder..
like women's cosmetics or something..
to help even the skin tone..hehehe...didnt do much...
in fact, haeyoung further called me make-up-boy.. >.<
so...i spend d whole day at home..
regenerating..was tired...dont know y..
then at about 8pm..
went out to uni to meet a with a fren..
we set this date to catch a movie...
but it didnt turned out that way..lolz..
we met in uni at around 8pm...
she wasnt ready yet with her assignment..
so WM and i took wayne to tapau his dinner..
and WM later drop me back in Uni..
i was in uni till like 9.40pm ..
then we left for the cinema..
movie starts at 9.30pm..hehee..
reached the cinema..counters were already closed..
so..we head for woolies instead..she had some groceries to buy..hahaha..
talked abit..then went to her place to put down the groceries..
after that...
we went to this place in Newcastle City..
where we could see the view of Nobby's Beach and part of Newcastle..

very nice view..
chit chat-ed for like a couple of hours..
reached home at about 2am++
now..juz helping KaiYee with her essay..
and hopefully able to give WM a helping hand with his assignment too..
its i'm not sure if i'll be much of a help..hehee..
getting tired..
but hopefully i'll be able to stay awake..
gotta get some rest too..
coz got a game at 7.20pm tomorrow..
*finally being drafted..sort of..hehehe..*
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