few days of preparations..
and now..the real thing begins....>.<
woke up at 9am...could hardly get off..
the weather...so nice to sleeeeep~~~
but anyhow..managed to..
wash up..dress up...and i'm off...to Uni..
reached the lab..everyone was like..
"its today isnt it? ur talk..wad time is it again??"
i was like...
"yeap..its today..1pm...thanks for reminding me~~"
got off and did my rehearsal in d office..
few lab mates came in and checked on me..
"dont stress Shaky..it'll be fine.."
"u shud get some rest u know.."
"its only 20 minutes..c'mon.."
i did few more practices and i went for lunch..
i did few more practices and i went for lunch..
till about 1pm...i entered d hall..
inside..seated 10-20 Doctors, 1 Professor, few Students with Masters..
and me..Nervous as hell..Shaking like ..like..something that shakes alot..
when it was time for me..i gave it my all..
20 passed..well supposed to be 20 minutes..
but i stood there for like 30-40 minutes..
got bombarded with questions and comments..
luckily..i could still handle some of them..
while some..my supervisor had to help me ..hehe..
Thanks Mark..!!
overall..they commented that i did a great job..
well prepared..and good slides..
just that i need to fiddle around with the pictures more..
after presenting..i went to the cafeteria..
relaxed abit and chit chat-ed with frens..
went home around 4-5pm..
workout abit and showered..
left for Oy's place for dinner..
left for Oy's place for dinner..
i had leftovers from the trial night..
had to finish them..hehehe..
so..my dinner was...
Modified Stuffed Chicken baked with bacon and honey..

Oy and Wf had steak with black pepper sauce, potatoes and salad..
overall..Chicken tasted superb..lolz..
so now..i'm back home..blogging..
after this gonna catch a few episodes of Prison Break Season 3..hehehe..
getting intense now..heheh..
by the way..
wad do u all think of tattoos??
i was thinking of getting 1..or maybe 2..hehehe..
1 is for my parents and bro's birth date..(on my hands)

2nd is for me..my birth date.. like a bar code (on d back of my neck)

number will be in romans..so..i think its kinda cool..hehehe..
still thinking about it tho..
p.s from the previous blog..maybe some would have misunderstood...
the sexy curves that i was refering to was the glass...the curves of the glass...nth else ok..
everything was describing the glass and the honey lemon drink... >.<"
the barcode is cool~ hahaha~
ReplyDeleter u sure u wanna get 1?? it cant be removed after that.. think properly lo~