for 2 hours..
we had a game of non stop scrimmage..
i played 50 minutes..
and ended up with 8 points..and a few others..
when playing with the guys..
i was just being pushed around, man-handled..
i could hardly get rebounds..
all i could do was run the fast breaks..
and try to make good passes to the post,
or set up perimeter shooters..
realized that..
i was just not strong enough to play with the other guys..
i was physical enough and calm enough..
i cant do anything about being calm on the court..
what i could work on now is the physical aspects of my game..
i need to get stronger, faster and quicker..
with my height and size disadvantage..
could only rely on my agility to help the team..
would also need to build up stamina..
this few are the things that i would need to work on..
to really help the team..
we were split into 2 teams today..
i was in d 2nd..
and knowing all of my team-mates..
we dont have enough players that are fast or quick..
they're all big and tall and all..
to me, they could lack speed and quickness..
thats y i need to step up ma game ..
and bring abit of agility and quickness to the team..
hopefully..i could..
its hard work from here on out..
eating healthy (hopefully)
and all out training..
Uni Games..!!!!

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