Saturday, May 30, 2009

Episode 21 - B.E.A.U.TIFUL

just gonna do some catch ups from where i left off..

nth much really happened...
juz a couple of late nights..
trying to help WeiMing with his assignments and stuff..
also with my lab work..
this week has been like..
really late nights and early morning..hehehe

i went to lab as usual..
did lab work till about the evening and went home..
then i went back agian during the night to continue on my work..
we had already planned for basketball the next morning at 7am..
so..i had to get up at 5.30 d next morning and do my work ..
so that i could make it for the 7am game..

woke up at 5.30..reached lab at 6..
did work for about an hour..
and had to incubate it for 5 hours..
after bball..i went back to lab to check on my work..
Louise (lab Staff) came up to me and asked :
"what time did u get off ftom lab last night?6am?"
i thought to myself..good chance to show tat i am
i was like..
"yea sort of...why?"
"thats crazy..its dangerous..whydid u stay up so late?" - Louise
"coz i did have internet at home and i'd tot i'd do some reading as well.."
it was all juz a fake actually..Lolz

yesterday tho..
i skipped lab for a day..
coz Louise asked me to rest it up..
so i literally took her word for it..
woke up at around 12.30 noon..
breakfast was already prepared on d table..
Abigail..thanks yea..
showered..and got ready..
gonna join Abigail for some guest lecture about nursing..
drop by uni to help WeiFun with her work abit..
then at abouit 2.30..went to meet with Abigail..
d lecture started at 3 till4..
i must say..
i was rather interesting..
wasnt those formal lectures..
juz interacting with one another..
kinda had d feeling i was d only 38 one there..

after lecture..
we went down to woolies..
my turn to prepare dinner..
so had to get some ingredients for d meal..
i ..well..We prepared ..
sort of like Cheese Baked Rice..
with Brocolli and Carrots at the side..
wasnt really satisfied with d taste..but anyhow..
thats what we got..lolz..

today was yet another tiring day..
dont know y i get tired and tafigue pretty easily nowadays..
and would take me days to get rejuvenated agian..
played bball..
and today..i went for ear piercing..
again! lolz..
suddenly feel "hiao" so went to do it.hehehe..
Sim, Stepf,Abi, Weifun and I
we all went down to Glendale and did some grocery shopping..

after that send Abi to work..
and we're all in the uni using d com..hehehe..
web surfing..WeiFun and Steph are assignmenting..hehehe..
poor them~~~ ^^

so yea thats about it..

29/05 - a day that i would remember..
first day of me actually being alone with ***
more to come pls~~~
pray pray..
hope this would never ever end..


  1. with ***?? lets play hangman..... c who can guess the correct answer????
    A B C D E F G H I.....hmmmm obvious huh??? =P

  2. Lol...
    y u type till I only ler?hahaha...
    yea la yea la..u pandai la...lolz..
    everything also tell u..sure know lorr...

  3. because i'm lazy... so just type till I nia lor.... more easier ma for ppl to guess.... few alphabet nia.... easy de la... wakakaka...
