juz been bz with lab work...wanted to be ahead of schedule..
coz we went down to Sydney to pick and greet Abigail and her parents..
we stayed in Sydney for the weekend..
we drove down on saturday...at around 8am..
Oiyin followed us down..
we dropped her off at her fren's place..
she was going down for her placement..5 weeks of placement..
hope all goes well for her..
we reached d hotel..
meet up with Abigail and Uncle and Aunty..
brought them to QVB (Queen Victoria's Building)..
where they did abit of shopping...

the group who went down to Sydney (Sim photpgrapher)

too $$$ to buy T.T
grabed Thai (@ Chat Thai) lunch before we head back to d hotel..
miss Fritz so much..
Sim's (Home) and mine (away)
Go! Purple and Gold or Gold and Purple !!
Told you that i was tired..
celaka..kena snap..
i tidur mati edi...

celaka..kena snap..
i tidur mati edi...
rested abit and Steph, Abi, Sim and I ..
went off to collect d car we rented...
we dropped sim at Hertz,
Steph, Abi and I went off..getting lost..
pusing pusing for 3 times around d same block...
till we finally manged to get out of it and head back to d hotel..
we all drove off to Darling Harbour to get dinner..
Pancakes on d Rocks..

each called a portion and we all shared...
once again, never disaapointed with d food there..
*except d waitresses all got face prob la..*
walked around Darling Harbour before we dropped dead at d hotel..
4 of us were sharing d same room...
BUT..only 2 single beds..
2 gals and 2 guys...
Steph and Abi shared a bed..
which left Sim and I in 1..
each took 1 corner..
tried to not disturb each other..
waoke up in d middle of d night..
found tat i had no more blanket..
and my space was mostly taken from me..
at tat time..i kinda felt like in primary skool..
where d person sitting next to u would cross over to ur side..
and u would say..
"hey u pass d line oledi larh~~ move back move back!!"
i juz stood there...
laugh and smile abit..
looked at Abi..
they 2 cehmistry super good ah..
d position they sleep ..compliment each other wan ah..
see them sleep so comfy and some more got space to cuddle tim..
i also tried to sleep back la..
which i manage to do..Lol..
on sunday..
we all woke up early..
and started driving off to blue Mountains..
it was like a 2 hours drive..
drove all d way there and half way tru..swap places with sim..
i slept awhile in d car...hahaha...
Blue mountains was cold..
mostly was juz looking at the view from above..
was nice though..
Uncle said its a nice place for a jog..
*hmm..if i were to drive 2 hours juz for a jog..err...rather be obese ah~~* Lol..
we manage to catch a view of the 3 Sisters..snap a couple of pictures..
and Uncle was off on his quest for the 4 Brothers.. =.=
after Blue Mountains,
we went for Jenolan Caves..
and one of d caves we visited was Lucas' Cave..
tru d whole tour..
i only remember 2 rocks..
both sitting above head level but were very low..
so low that u could hit ur head on it..
i remembered d names cause..
1st rock was called Headache Rock..
2nd one was Concussion Rock..Lol
d things we saw in d cave was extremely nice..
altho i dont know how to appreciate by..it was nice..
cold some more..hehehe..

wanted to rush to return d car at 6..but couldnt make it in time..
so instead we drove it back to Newcastle..
i took d rented car and Sim dorve 扁扁 ..
reached Newcastle at about 10ish..
relaxed..and Slept gao gao..~~~
u're back but leaving again soon..
missed u..saw u..and gonna miss u again..Lol..
juz hope u have a great time..
i've just gotta be abit patient..
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