*alarm tone rings*
*uhh~~ 5.30am ah?? okok...*
*switches off alarm*
*lie down awhile more la....*
*uhh~~~ wad tiem now??*
"Holy Shit...6.45am !!!"
*lol..late for training edi la..*
*sleep back till 7.30am*
thats how my day started..
and from there on..
pretty free day..
meeting at 9-10.30..
and basically free from then onwards..
left for Jesmond at about 5..
went to get a sleeping bag..
didnt know its pretty pricey..
had to get one for the Uni Games..
caught up with zhenJie and YeongLee at woolies too..
run into them and they asked if free to have dinner with them..
planned to skip dinner but..
since i'm there with them..might as well..
had dinner at Oceanic..
after dinner..
came home..
showered and off again..
Zhenjie picked me up for a movie..
i'm telling u..
this movie is the bomb..
if u're not into robots and mechanical stuff..
u have to be into Megan Fox..
she is smokin' hot !!
after movies..
i'm back..home..
posting this up..
and probably gonna go off to bed soon..
Andrew and ZhenJie and I gonna have breakie tomorrow..
right before lab..Lol..
p.s: came home today, checked me blog..and saw 4 comments on my recent post..
was kinda suprised..comments from 4 different ppl..
didnt know that they visited my blog..
thanks y'all..
feels nice to know that frens are there..somehow..Lol~
i also got visit ur blog de ma..
all of u 4..Lol...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Episode 32- Big Day Preparation
haven really got the time to blog for the past couple of days..

been caught up with lab work and bball training..
juz recently found out tat the team colour for the Newcastle team is..
Maroon and White..
not my kind of colour but..
after having a first look at the jersey..
turned out to be quite ok..
cant wait to try out d jersey and see how it fits..
team mates are so big..that i actually wear a S.. =S
so..to prepare for the comp...
thought of getting a pair of shoes..
to somehow match with the jersey..
but..couldnt find any...
so decided to get a new pair instead..Lol
another Zoom Kobe IV..
to those guards,
i highly recommend this shoe..
its so comfy,
although its a low cut shoe,
when playing in it, u need not worry about ankle support..
its juz tat superb..

which of the above is d nicest?
i'm aiming for the middle one..hehehe..
another shoe that i have been eyeing since..ermm..
since 2005 is the Nike Huruache...
dont know why i like this shoe..ehhehe..i think its juz nice..Lol
juz got back from bball before i blog this post..
had one of the biggest cuts i ever had..
this one, d blood juz wont stop gushing out ..
had to wash it with cold water for a few minutes,
before it actually slowed down d bleeding..
till here~
another early day tomorrow..
6am training..Damn Damn lorr~~~ hehee
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Episode 31 - Staying Ahead of D Game
another tiring day..
guess haven got enough sleep and rest from saturday..
its just me not having d habit of getting afternoon naps..
if i could..believe me..i would..lol..
today had a short day at lab..
came home around lunch time..
had lunch..
strawberry pancakes with ice cream..
first time having desert as my lunch..
there's always a first for everything..hehehe..
Steph's leaving today..
she had lunch with us..before leaving for a 1.45pm exam..
finished at 3...chit chat-ed abit at home..
and we all sent her to d airport..
when we got home..
i showered..freshen up abit...
and off to lab again..
i'm gonna have few late nights this coming days..
hopefully this would ease my weeks to come..
get off early from lab..
so i could spend more time at home next week..
still at d lab at d moment..
sleepy nya~~~
and hungry too Lol..
today found out...
one my plans during the holidays..
back fired ah..lol..
thinking back about it..
sendiri also will laugh..hahahaha...
"then u man man plan la.."
i was like =.= / >.<
Ah~~~paiseh nya..hahahhaa...
Melb ah Melb...
y just u have H1N1 now ler..
*phoo~~~blows away d virus*
if can go Melb for like just 4 days..
picture perfect..
darn it..
*this was just for me to read back in years to come and laugh at myself..
reminding myself of some of my funny moments..not directing to anyone*
guess haven got enough sleep and rest from saturday..
its just me not having d habit of getting afternoon naps..
if i could..believe me..i would..lol..
today had a short day at lab..
came home around lunch time..
had lunch..
strawberry pancakes with ice cream..
first time having desert as my lunch..
there's always a first for everything..hehehe..
Steph's leaving today..
she had lunch with us..before leaving for a 1.45pm exam..
finished at 3...chit chat-ed abit at home..
and we all sent her to d airport..
when we got home..
i showered..freshen up abit...
and off to lab again..
i'm gonna have few late nights this coming days..
hopefully this would ease my weeks to come..
get off early from lab..
so i could spend more time at home next week..
still at d lab at d moment..
sleepy nya~~~
and hungry too Lol..
today found out...
one my plans during the holidays..
back fired ah..lol..
thinking back about it..
sendiri also will laugh..hahahaha...
"then u man man plan la.."
i was like =.= / >.<
Ah~~~paiseh nya..hahahhaa...
Melb ah Melb...
y just u have H1N1 now ler..
*phoo~~~blows away d virus*
if can go Melb for like just 4 days..
picture perfect..
darn it..
*this was just for me to read back in years to come and laugh at myself..
reminding myself of some of my funny moments..not directing to anyone*
Monday, June 22, 2009
Episode 30 - Exhausted........
went down to sydney on saturday..
took d 7.20am train down to sydney central..
*thanks ZhenJie for offering me a ride to d station*
met up with OiYin at central at about 11am..
and from there we started our journey to Bondi..
of all days..
Saturday was d day that had to rain cats and dogs..
even little puppies and kittens also dropped !!
rain non stop weh...
had to run from bus stop to bus stops..
and finally found d one to Bondi..
reached Bondi..
had lunch at some Japanese food court..
as usual..love my Unagis...Lol..
i went to the errmm..
Build-A-Bear Workshop...
actually i build a puppy la..
stuffed with hopefully enough wools..
hope its not too soft or hard..
juz comfy enuff to hug..
while i was stuffing it..
d lady asked me to make a wish..
holding this ermm..
heart-shaped stitched button..
i made one..
and of all things...
she asked me to kiss it so tat d wish come true..
i was like o.O and =.= and >.<"
"do i have to??"
"yea...its part of d process.."
eventually..i did it..
from d faces all d kids there,
i'm prettysure they were like thinking..
"y is this guy taking so long to finish up his pup.."
abit paiseh la..
then..it was time to make d pup's birth cert..
had a pretty hard time thinking of a name..
wanted it to be Lullaby..
maybe d pup would help when sleeping..lullaby..
then wanted it to be related to her name..
LilAbi.. *pronounced as Lil-laby, almost like lullaby*
but then when i typed it out..
read like malay ah..==
at d end putting up a "-" Lol...
then rush back to train station..
again..still raining..
caught d 4.15 train...
reached Newcastle at around 7ish...
zhenJie again..picked me up..
reached home and started making a cake..
some sort of cherry panetone choc cake..
alongside with a trifle..
d cake was kinda disasterous la..
hopefully...effort counts ba..Lol..
and also hoped she liked d Pup la..
*pray pray*
ended Saturday there...
passed very very quickly..
woke up at 10ish...
went to the gym at 11..
bball training syarted at 12noon..
and i played till 7pm..
so it was like basically 8 hours of bball...
came home..dined abit..and sleep...
woke up at 6.40am to get to lab..
thought it was gonna be a long day but..
finished at around 2plus..
went to jesmond abit..get some food ..
and also wanted to try get something to help fix Abi's broken clothes hanger..
tak dapat cari ah..cis~~
all sell hooks dont know for wad..
came home..picked Steph, Abi and Sim up
then sent them to jesmond..
picked them up after awhile..
dined, and played bball again at 8pm..hehehe..
now home..showered...and gonna sleep..
took d 7.20am train down to sydney central..
*thanks ZhenJie for offering me a ride to d station*
met up with OiYin at central at about 11am..
and from there we started our journey to Bondi..
of all days..
Saturday was d day that had to rain cats and dogs..
even little puppies and kittens also dropped !!
rain non stop weh...
had to run from bus stop to bus stops..
and finally found d one to Bondi..
reached Bondi..
had lunch at some Japanese food court..
as usual..love my Unagis...Lol..
i went to the errmm..
Build-A-Bear Workshop...
actually i build a puppy la..
stuffed with hopefully enough wools..
hope its not too soft or hard..
juz comfy enuff to hug..
while i was stuffing it..
d lady asked me to make a wish..
holding this ermm..
heart-shaped stitched button..
i made one..
and of all things...
she asked me to kiss it so tat d wish come true..
i was like o.O and =.= and >.<"
"do i have to??"
"yea...its part of d process.."
eventually..i did it..
from d faces all d kids there,
i'm prettysure they were like thinking..
"y is this guy taking so long to finish up his pup.."
abit paiseh la..
then..it was time to make d pup's birth cert..
had a pretty hard time thinking of a name..
wanted it to be Lullaby..
maybe d pup would help when sleeping..lullaby..
then wanted it to be related to her name..
LilAbi.. *pronounced as Lil-laby, almost like lullaby*
but then when i typed it out..
read like malay ah..==
at d end putting up a "-" Lol...
then rush back to train station..
again..still raining..
caught d 4.15 train...
reached Newcastle at around 7ish...
zhenJie again..picked me up..
reached home and started making a cake..
some sort of cherry panetone choc cake..
alongside with a trifle..
d cake was kinda disasterous la..
hopefully...effort counts ba..Lol..
and also hoped she liked d Pup la..
*pray pray*
ended Saturday there...
passed very very quickly..
woke up at 10ish...
went to the gym at 11..
bball training syarted at 12noon..
and i played till 7pm..
so it was like basically 8 hours of bball...
came home..dined abit..and sleep...
woke up at 6.40am to get to lab..
thought it was gonna be a long day but..
finished at around 2plus..
went to jesmond abit..get some food ..
and also wanted to try get something to help fix Abi's broken clothes hanger..
tak dapat cari ah..cis~~
all sell hooks dont know for wad..
came home..picked Steph, Abi and Sim up
then sent them to jesmond..
picked them up after awhile..
dined, and played bball again at 8pm..hehehe..
now home..showered...and gonna sleep..
Friday, June 19, 2009
Episode 30 - Someone Help Me
have you ever question yourself..
"how well do I know myself?"
i've always been questioning myself with this same question..
over and over again..
i can never get a definite answer..
its like..
one time, u know who you are..
you know what you are...
then the next time you know it..
you're questioning yourself again..
doubting youself..
i used to know myself as the egoistic guy..
sometimes i let ego stand in my way..
and for that..
i miss out alot of opportunities to experience life..
today, i am who i am..
i am a person..
who is not affected by egos/egoes?.. by ego..
i dun give a shit of what ppl think of me..
or how they view me before even knowing me..
thats what they wanna view me as..
thats what they wanna do..
so be it..
i'm just gonna live my life as it is..
in the past, i talk alot..
i say whatever i wanna say..
and during that time..
i have to say that i have regreted..
regreted on things that i have said..
cause, some ppl may just not be able to take it..
what i say doesnt offend them..
its just tat..maybe they're not used to ppl being so direct?
i dont know..........
and for that, i may have offended some ppl too....
thats y i try not to talk too much...
just say things that i can share..
u know like..
in general stuff..
rather be quiet and just go with the flow..
if someone plans something..i'm just gonna go ahead and follow it..
not gonna ask "why" or suggest..
just gonna go with it..
maybe i'd ask some questions..
just to be abit familiar with the plans made..
thats all my intentions are..
why is it when i dun say anything..
i mean...when i dun talk about anything..
and i just go with whatever is brought on the table..
i still feel i've offended some ppl..
and in this blog..
i felt that i have offended ...
some very important ppl in my life..
i would never think of anything ..
that could ever jeopardize this friendship..
what have i done? and what should i do now?
if i just continue to chat like normal..
would i be seen as being ignorant?
if i just stay in my room...
not thinking about this..
what kind of person would i be viewed as?
right now..
either way..
i'm in a lose lose situation..
thats y..
i am here...writing this..
hoping someone out there..
who have been in my shoes..
could help me..
share some opinions and advices with me..
i really need some advice on how to deal with this..
i've been in this boat before a couple of years back..
and that didnt turn out well at all..
i do not want 2007 to repeat itself..
what could i possibly do..to not piss anyone off??
anyone..i need help..ASAP !!!
"how well do I know myself?"
i've always been questioning myself with this same question..
over and over again..
i can never get a definite answer..
its like..
one time, u know who you are..
you know what you are...
then the next time you know it..
you're questioning yourself again..
doubting youself..
i used to know myself as the egoistic guy..
sometimes i let ego stand in my way..
and for that..
i miss out alot of opportunities to experience life..
today, i am who i am..
i am a person..
who is not affected by egos/egoes?.. by ego..
i dun give a shit of what ppl think of me..
or how they view me before even knowing me..
thats what they wanna view me as..
thats what they wanna do..
so be it..
i'm just gonna live my life as it is..
in the past, i talk alot..
i say whatever i wanna say..
and during that time..
i have to say that i have regreted..
regreted on things that i have said..
cause, some ppl may just not be able to take it..
what i say doesnt offend them..
its just tat..maybe they're not used to ppl being so direct?
i dont know..........
and for that, i may have offended some ppl too....
thats y i try not to talk too much...
just say things that i can share..
u know like..
in general stuff..
rather be quiet and just go with the flow..
if someone plans something..i'm just gonna go ahead and follow it..
not gonna ask "why" or suggest..
just gonna go with it..
maybe i'd ask some questions..
just to be abit familiar with the plans made..
thats all my intentions are..
why is it when i dun say anything..
i mean...when i dun talk about anything..
and i just go with whatever is brought on the table..
i still feel i've offended some ppl..
and in this blog..
i felt that i have offended ...
some very important ppl in my life..
i would never think of anything ..
that could ever jeopardize this friendship..
what have i done? and what should i do now?
if i just continue to chat like normal..
would i be seen as being ignorant?
if i just stay in my room...
not thinking about this..
what kind of person would i be viewed as?
right now..
either way..
i'm in a lose lose situation..
thats y..
i am here...writing this..
hoping someone out there..
who have been in my shoes..
could help me..
share some opinions and advices with me..
i really need some advice on how to deal with this..
i've been in this boat before a couple of years back..
and that didnt turn out well at all..
i do not want 2007 to repeat itself..
what could i possibly do..to not piss anyone off??
anyone..i need help..ASAP !!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Episode 29 - Prayers
Been pretty tired last few days..
haven been able to rest well enough...
sent Abi and her parents to the airport on wednesday morning..
early in d morning..
was hoping there wont be any random checks by the police..
lucky there wasnt when we were on our way to the airport..
made it to the aiport safe and sound..hehehe..
while driving back..
i kinda missed a junction without realizing..
end up..making a big detour..
it was supposed to be a 20 minute drive back home..
it took me about 40 minutes..
i detoured till the city..
but..God and Luck was on my side..
didnt meet any of them..hehehe
reached home at around 6am..
pray pray abit..then went back to sleep..
till about 10..had to go back to lab..
finished lab at about 3..
and went straight to the gym..
shoot around abit..and did abit of weights..
had kfc for dinner..
and watched a movie..
Role Models.. by Sean William Scott..
Damn funny movie..hahahaa..
Sean and Paul Rudd were both hilarious..
today was another early morning..
but i managed to squeeze breakfast at Hungry Jacks b4 lab..
stayed in lab till about 3..
and went to get some stuff from Woolies..
something i'm preparing..Lol..
thats about it for the day..
another busy day at the lab again tomorrow..
gotta rest well..
haven been able to rest well enough...
sent Abi and her parents to the airport on wednesday morning..
early in d morning..
was hoping there wont be any random checks by the police..
lucky there wasnt when we were on our way to the airport..
made it to the aiport safe and sound..hehehe..
while driving back..
i kinda missed a junction without realizing..
end up..making a big detour..
it was supposed to be a 20 minute drive back home..
it took me about 40 minutes..
i detoured till the city..
but..God and Luck was on my side..
didnt meet any of them..hehehe
reached home at around 6am..
pray pray abit..then went back to sleep..
till about 10..had to go back to lab..
finished lab at about 3..
and went straight to the gym..
shoot around abit..and did abit of weights..
had kfc for dinner..
and watched a movie..
Role Models.. by Sean William Scott..
Damn funny movie..hahahaa..
Sean and Paul Rudd were both hilarious..
today was another early morning..
but i managed to squeeze breakfast at Hungry Jacks b4 lab..
stayed in lab till about 3..
and went to get some stuff from Woolies..
something i'm preparing..Lol..
thats about it for the day..
another busy day at the lab again tomorrow..
gotta rest well..
I pray that you will enjoy yourself,
and that you would always stay in good health,
pray that God would keep you safe,
Guide You and Bless You,
Take Care..Miss You..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Episode 28 - Blastful Weekend
been away for quite some time...
juz been bz with lab work...wanted to be ahead of schedule..
coz we went down to Sydney to pick and greet Abigail and her parents..
we stayed in Sydney for the weekend..
we drove down on saturday...at around 8am..
Oiyin followed us down..
we dropped her off at her fren's place..
she was going down for her placement..5 weeks of placement..
hope all goes well for her..
we reached d hotel..
meet up with Abigail and Uncle and Aunty..
brought them to QVB (Queen Victoria's Building)..
where they did abit of shopping...
Abigail and her parents in front of QVB icon

the group who went down to Sydney (Sim photpgrapher)
In QVB itself (window shopping)
too $$$ to buy T.T
grabed Thai (@ Chat Thai) lunch before we head back to d hotel..
rested abit and Steph, Abi, Sim and I ..
went off to collect d car we rented...
we dropped sim at Hertz,
Steph, Abi and I went off..getting lost..
pusing pusing for 3 times around d same block...
till we finally manged to get out of it and head back to d hotel..
we all drove off to Darling Harbour to get dinner..
Pancakes on d Rocks..

each called a portion and we all shared...
once again, never disaapointed with d food there..
*except d waitresses all got face prob la..*
walked around Darling Harbour before we dropped dead at d hotel..
4 of us were sharing d same room...
BUT..only 2 single beds..
2 gals and 2 guys...
Steph and Abi shared a bed..
which left Sim and I in 1..
each took 1 corner..
tried to not disturb each other..
waoke up in d middle of d night..
found tat i had no more blanket..
and my space was mostly taken from me..
at tat time..i kinda felt like in primary skool..
where d person sitting next to u would cross over to ur side..
and u would say..
"hey u pass d line oledi larh~~ move back move back!!"
i juz stood there...
laugh and smile abit..
looked at Abi..
they 2 cehmistry super good ah..
d position they sleep ..compliment each other wan ah..
see them sleep so comfy and some more got space to cuddle tim..
i also tried to sleep back la..
which i manage to do..Lol..
on sunday..
we all woke up early..
and started driving off to blue Mountains..
it was like a 2 hours drive..
drove all d way there and half way tru..swap places with sim..
i slept awhile in d car...hahaha...
Blue mountains was cold..
mostly was juz looking at the view from above..
was nice though..
Uncle said its a nice place for a jog..
*hmm..if i were to drive 2 hours juz for a jog..err...rather be obese ah~~* Lol..
we manage to catch a view of the 3 Sisters..snap a couple of pictures..
and Uncle was off on his quest for the 4 Brothers.. =.=
after Blue Mountains,
we went for Jenolan Caves..
and one of d caves we visited was Lucas' Cave..
tru d whole tour..
i only remember 2 rocks..
both sitting above head level but were very low..
so low that u could hit ur head on it..
i remembered d names cause..
1st rock was called Headache Rock..
2nd one was Concussion Rock..Lol
d things we saw in d cave was extremely nice..
altho i dont know how to appreciate by..it was nice..
cold some more..hehehe..

we made our way back to Sydney at about 4pm..
wanted to rush to return d car at 6..but couldnt make it in time..
so instead we drove it back to Newcastle..
i took d rented car and Sim dorve 扁扁 ..
reached Newcastle at about 10ish..
relaxed..and Slept gao gao..~~~
juz been bz with lab work...wanted to be ahead of schedule..
coz we went down to Sydney to pick and greet Abigail and her parents..
we stayed in Sydney for the weekend..
we drove down on saturday...at around 8am..
Oiyin followed us down..
we dropped her off at her fren's place..
she was going down for her placement..5 weeks of placement..
hope all goes well for her..
we reached d hotel..
meet up with Abigail and Uncle and Aunty..
brought them to QVB (Queen Victoria's Building)..
where they did abit of shopping...

the group who went down to Sydney (Sim photpgrapher)

too $$$ to buy T.T
grabed Thai (@ Chat Thai) lunch before we head back to d hotel..
miss Fritz so much..
Sim's (Home) and mine (away)
Go! Purple and Gold or Gold and Purple !!
Told you that i was tired..
celaka..kena snap..
i tidur mati edi...

celaka..kena snap..
i tidur mati edi...
rested abit and Steph, Abi, Sim and I ..
went off to collect d car we rented...
we dropped sim at Hertz,
Steph, Abi and I went off..getting lost..
pusing pusing for 3 times around d same block...
till we finally manged to get out of it and head back to d hotel..
we all drove off to Darling Harbour to get dinner..
Pancakes on d Rocks..

each called a portion and we all shared...
once again, never disaapointed with d food there..
*except d waitresses all got face prob la..*
walked around Darling Harbour before we dropped dead at d hotel..
4 of us were sharing d same room...
BUT..only 2 single beds..
2 gals and 2 guys...
Steph and Abi shared a bed..
which left Sim and I in 1..
each took 1 corner..
tried to not disturb each other..
waoke up in d middle of d night..
found tat i had no more blanket..
and my space was mostly taken from me..
at tat time..i kinda felt like in primary skool..
where d person sitting next to u would cross over to ur side..
and u would say..
"hey u pass d line oledi larh~~ move back move back!!"
i juz stood there...
laugh and smile abit..
looked at Abi..
they 2 cehmistry super good ah..
d position they sleep ..compliment each other wan ah..
see them sleep so comfy and some more got space to cuddle tim..
i also tried to sleep back la..
which i manage to do..Lol..
on sunday..
we all woke up early..
and started driving off to blue Mountains..
it was like a 2 hours drive..
drove all d way there and half way tru..swap places with sim..
i slept awhile in d car...hahaha...
Blue mountains was cold..
mostly was juz looking at the view from above..
was nice though..
Uncle said its a nice place for a jog..
*hmm..if i were to drive 2 hours juz for a jog..err...rather be obese ah~~* Lol..
we manage to catch a view of the 3 Sisters..snap a couple of pictures..
and Uncle was off on his quest for the 4 Brothers.. =.=
after Blue Mountains,
we went for Jenolan Caves..
and one of d caves we visited was Lucas' Cave..
tru d whole tour..
i only remember 2 rocks..
both sitting above head level but were very low..
so low that u could hit ur head on it..
i remembered d names cause..
1st rock was called Headache Rock..
2nd one was Concussion Rock..Lol
d things we saw in d cave was extremely nice..
altho i dont know how to appreciate by..it was nice..
cold some more..hehehe..

wanted to rush to return d car at 6..but couldnt make it in time..
so instead we drove it back to Newcastle..
i took d rented car and Sim dorve 扁扁 ..
reached Newcastle at about 10ish..
relaxed..and Slept gao gao..~~~
u're back but leaving again soon..
missed u..saw u..and gonna miss u again..Lol..
juz hope u have a great time..
i've just gotta be abit patient..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Episode 27 - Bball Day
Monday was a holiday for us,
apparently it was the Queen's Birthday.
so we decided to go for bball..
got a court booked and chao..
shared d court with a couple of chinese fellas (bastards..F@#kers actually)
act polite with us..when play, belasah us like shit..
when i say belasah i literall mean hantam us...
bang, elbow, knee, shoulder, head..all their body parts also they use ah..
at d end,
3 of us (Sim, WeiMan and I) also injured...
WeiMan had a bleeding nose,
Sim had scratches all over,
i kinda reprained my ankle and had a knee collision (reinjured old injury)
after WeiMan had a bloody nose,
we kinda took it all personal,
i could even see sim's face change..
d whole game got alot physical
*this time we do the belasah-ing*
DIDNT LOSE A GAME !! embarass them gao gao..
once they chao..
we also change court..
played for fun..
to ease up d mood abit..hehhe
so decided to take bball photo shoot...
with WeiMan's Pro ndsl/adsl whatever his camera is called..
after an intense session of photo shoot on 1 on 1s..
it was time for some fun..Lol..
i'll let d photo do their own thing....

Before heading home,
we had to pose for the camera..
apparently it was the Queen's Birthday.
so we decided to go for bball..
got a court booked and chao..
Photo Taken By Cherlyn
PhotoTaken by Cherlyn
shared d court with a couple of chinese fellas (bastards..F@#kers actually)
act polite with us..when play, belasah us like shit..
when i say belasah i literall mean hantam us...
bang, elbow, knee, shoulder, head..all their body parts also they use ah..
at d end,
3 of us (Sim, WeiMan and I) also injured...
WeiMan had a bleeding nose,
Sim had scratches all over,
i kinda reprained my ankle and had a knee collision (reinjured old injury)
after WeiMan had a bloody nose,
we kinda took it all personal,
i could even see sim's face change..
d whole game got alot physical
*this time we do the belasah-ing*
DIDNT LOSE A GAME !! embarass them gao gao..
once they chao..
we also change court..
played for fun..
to ease up d mood abit..hehhe
so decided to take bball photo shoot...
with WeiMan's Pro ndsl/adsl whatever his camera is called..
Me Driving the Lane, defended by Sim
Image by Aaron Kong
Image by Aaron Kong
Image by Aaron Kong.
Image by Aaron Kong
Signature Move: Unstoppable Reverse. (as shown)
Image by Aaron Kong
*notice or not, Sim Offence and Defence need diff Jersey..Lol*
2 Of A Kind, 2X Dope
Image by Sim
Image By Sim
Image by Aaron Shak.
after an intense session of photo shoot on 1 on 1s..
it was time for some fun..Lol..
i'll let d photo do their own thing....

Before heading home,
we had to pose for the camera..
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