this here is about me and my everyday life..hopefully i'll be able to post my everydays into this..i will try tho'..hopefully u all out there would enjoy..and come visit again..Cheers~
*new look for the rest of 2009*
dun think will get any long anytime soon... =S
ppl say i look round..fat..
and i say...shit larh~~~~Lol
and for every game that we played..
we had to register our attendance by getting one of these..
its a "tattoo" of the Eastern Uni Games..
on the first night..
we had an opening ceremony night..
where all the atheletes from other unis would gather and have fun..
it was pretty much like clubbing at the Uni's bar..
the night ended pretty early..
i guess everyone was excited and wanted to perform well..
for their first game of the competition..Lol..
the next day..we had an early day..
our first game was at 9am !!
too too early !!
we got up..uniformed ourselves..and got to d car ...when we saw..
it wasnt fog or mist..IT WAS ICE...we had to SCRAP them off..
or pour boiling hot water on it..shocking..
the temperature there was like averaging -8...
it was so cold that the road was so misty..
and this continued till afternoon..3-4pm.. O.O
after the game...
we all went to prepare for tonight's theme party..
it was "Wild Wild West"...
everyone dressed up at red indians and cowboys/girls
oh yea..
during the games..
we had like a rule for every players..
"if u shoot an airball..and make any unforced errors during the game..
u've got to do 10 pushups..ON D SPOT...!!"
so some..didnt want to do it coz maybe they had a tight game going on..
they postponed it to the party..Lol..
as expected...Drinking Games...
i couldnt get much photos of the game..
coz we all played at almost similiar time..
and during the game..we were all focused in on d game..
well almost all of us..except for those who were hungover.. =.=
then the next day..i mean night..
it was SuperHero and Villain..
there's one guy...he didnt dress up for the theme..
he only had jeans and a shirt with a jumper..
everyone was like asking..
"wad the fuck man...where's ur costumes..u gotta do much better than this..."
and his reply was..
"I'm a modern day sex machine disguised as a human..."
we all had a good laugh out of it..
on the 3rd day..
d gals team played with a team that was rather easy for them...
by the end of the 2nd quarter...
Newy gals were leading 50-14..
and at the start of the 2nd half..
they were all playing around..joking..
the other team knew that had no chance of winning..
joined in d fun..
everyone was juz enjoying themselves..being happy to be in d moment..
bare in mind..all this photos..everything they did was during the game..
shot clock was still running..
the players all lined up..sat on d ground ..
and drag their butts from one side of the court to the other..
and u know wad..
the referee called them for travelling..Lol..
in front of my place..
*think is for the New Year countdown*
this was taken in Hong Kong..
played a game..and this was d penalty..
dancing in the bath-tub for a minute..
watch his closing pose !! Hilarious ~~~
heys !!
anytime..i'll always be there for all u guys (and gals of coz..Lol)
to the world you may be one person..
but to me, you're the world ...